Il giorno Lunedì 4 Dicembre 2017 alle ore 15.30  presso l'Aula D  del Plesso di Matematica e Informatica, il Prof.  Yetwale Hailu Workineh, dell'Università di Addis Ababa, Etiopia e visiting professor presso l'Università "Federico II" di Napoli terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Behaviour Dependent Modelling of Meningitis: Analysis and Control

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.   

Organizzatrice: prof. ssa Maria Groppi


Behaviour dependent mathematical models for human disease epidemics are very important to study the
dynamics of a disease than the traditional mathematical models. The information induced behavioural
change is found to be useful in reducing the disease outbreak. Optimal control can be also
applied in epidemiology to nd optimal interventions to control the spread of infectious diseases with a
short period of time.
In this talk, a mathematical model of meningococcal meningitis incorporating vaccination and behaviour
change in adult populations, and treatment of infectious groups is formulated and analysed. In addition,
an optimal control problem is formulated. Using Pontryagin's minimum principle, necessary conditions
of optimality are determined. The optimal combination strategies of vaccination, awareness campaign
and treatment are found.


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