Giovedì 14 dicembre 2023, ore 15:30
Sala Riunioni e Seminari - Plesso di Matematica
Relaore: prof. Francesco Bei, Sapienza Università di Roma

Titolo: On weakly Kähler hyperbolic manifolds and geometric applications

Abstract: Kähler hyperbolic manifolds were introduced by Gromov around thirty years ago. In his seminal
paper he showed that this class of Kähler manifolds enjoys several remarkable properties: for
instance they are of general type, Kobayashi hyperbolic and their L2-Hodge (p,q)-numbers are
positive if and only if p+q equals the complex dimension of the manifold. In this talk I will report
about a recent joint work with S. Diverio, P. Eyssidieux and S. Trapani where we introduced a weak
notion of Kähler hyperbolicity. I will explain the reasons behind our definition and I will show how
some of the properties proved by Gromov for Kähler hyperbolic manifolds remain true in our more
general setting. As a main application, I will describe how these ideas allow to give a positive answer
to the Lang conjecture for Kähler hyperbolic manifolds.

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