Coordinator Prof. Mauro Riccò

Vicarious Coordinator Prof. Davide Orsi


Doctoral College


The Ph.D. in Materials Science and Technology aims to provide graduates in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering with the necessary skills to carry out highly qualified scientific and professional research activities in the field of Materials Science and Technology at universities, public institutions or proven entities.


The training program for doctoral students is designed to give an orientation toward:

  • knowledge of the processes of synthesis and/or growth and the relationships between the structure and chemical and physical properties of materials;
  • the development of the ability to model and design new materials;
  • the acquisition of control of process technologies and knowledge of the main techniques of diagnosis and analysis.

This knowledge can be aimed at the study, development and application of innovative materials in a wide range of subject areas.


The research activities carried out within the Ph.D. fall into two main lines:

  • preparation of new functional materials with a view to possible applications in research and/or industry. The materials prepared in the laboratories supporting the PhD include both traditional structures (bulk) and nanostructures;
  • characterization of materials with the diagnostic techniques available at the facilities supporting the PhD in the University of Parma and at the affiliated CNR institutes.

There are also numerous collaborations with other Italian and foreign universities, with various public and/or industrial research centers and in particular at the so-called "big machines" such as the synchrotrons of Trieste and Grenoble.

1. Magnetic materials

  • Nano-structured and massive magnetic materials for applications in high-density magnetic recording, sensing, and magnetic refrigeration: preparation and characterization. Study of the influence of morphological properties and micro- and nano-structuring on magnetic, magnetocaloric, and magnetotransport properties
  • Magnetic materials with reduced dimensionality: magnetic multilayers, molecular nano-magnets

2. High electron-correlation materials

  • Superconductivity, magnetism, multiferroic materials
  • Synthesis and characterizations of metastable high electron-correlation materials under high-pressure conditions (piston-cylinder, multi-anvil, hydrothermal)
  • Model systems for studying ordering mechanisms (charge, orbital, spin)
  • Structure-property correlation

3. Nanodiagnostics techniques

  • Development of analytical, imaging, lithographic and manipulation diagnostic methodologies for nanoscale study of structural, optical, transport, magnetic and chemical properties of materials for applications in nanoscience

4. Nanostructured materials

  • Hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructured materials: preparation, study and functionalization. Optimization of functional properties through fabrication and characterization of prototype test devices
  • Growth of self-organized one-dimensional nanoscale structures for (bio-) sensor, photovoltaic, optoelectronic, nano-electronic applications: metal oxide nanostructures, silicon carbide nanowires. Morphological, chemical, structural, magnetic, optical and electrical characterization
  • Carbon-based nanostructured materials: nanotubes, fullerenes and graphenes

5. Innovative photovoltaic devices

  • Devices obtained by epitaxial growth and thin-film deposition techniques: epitaxial growth of crystalline germanium-based structures for thermo-photovoltaic generators and for high-efficiency multi-junction photovoltaic cells. Growth by pulsed electron beam deposition technique of CuGaInSe-based thin-film devices. Development of techniques based on photoluminescence and electron microscopy for measuring quantum efficiency, carrier lifetimes and surface recombination rate
  • Photovoltaic technologies in the field of distributed microgeneration
  • Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs): Deposition techniques of nanostructured ceramic semiconductors on rigid and flexible substrates; new nanostructured materials for anodes, electrolytes, and cathodes; sealing systems

6. Massive crystals of semiconducting compounds (such as CdTe and CdZnTe)

  • Growth and characterization of optical, electrical, and photoconductive properties
  • Study of electrical contact properties
  • Preparation and characterization of prototype devices, particularly for X-ray detection

7. Forbidden broadband semiconductors for photovoltaic, photoelectric, and power electronics applications

  • Epitaxial deposition (MOVPE) of semiconductor oxides (epsilon-Ga2O3) and doping methods (n-type)
  • Study of electrical contacts in as-grown and intentionally doped semiconductor oxides (epsilon-Ga2O3)
  • Study of optical properties, electrical and transport properties in as-grown and intentionally doped semiconducting oxides (epsilon-Ga2O3 type-n)
  • Study of 4H-SiC thin films, doped for ion implantation with p- and n-type conductivities, and junction devices
  • Tetrahedral coordination semiconductors for photovoltaic applications

8. Self-assembling polymers

  • Design and synthesis of reversible polymeric materials whose formation/fragmentation is activatable via bimodal coordination-type self-assembly (or H-bonding) and via host-guest interactions
  • Study of self-repairing properties of such compounds and the possibility of obtaining auxetic materials, i.e., materials that exhibit the property of lateral expansion under longitudinal stretching (negative Poisson's ratio)

9. Integrated sensors on silicon

  • Integrated sensors of chymoxaline/MOS cavitands on Si wafers for environmental monitoring of benzene
  • Molecular recognition fluorescent sensors for selective detection of alcohols in complex mixtures
  • Molecular printboards of phosphonate cavitands on Si for protein detection

10. New molecular materials supported (organic-inorganic hybrids) or self-assembled

  • Design, synthesis
  • study of properties as catalysts for eco-friendly synthetic processes or as supramolecular devices for applications in nanoscience and nano(bio)technologies

11. Functional molecular materials

  • Bistability and multistability phenomena in molecular materials: spectroscopic analysis and modeling of intra- and/or intermolecular charge transfer molecular systems. Electron-vibration interaction as a source of multistability. Phase transitions, phase coexistence, domains, metastability. Photoinduced phase transitions
  • Molecular materials for applications in photonics and electronics. Spectroscopic characterization and modeling of functional molecular materials. Supramolecular and surround interactions. Cooperative and collective phenomena
  • Electron (absorption and fluorescence) and vibrational (micro)IR and micro-Raman optical spectroscopy also at low temperature or in diamond anvil cell

12. Biomaterials

  • Design, synthesis, and characterization of powders and processes for the production of bioceramics and composite materials for the following applications: implants for bone, vascular, and soft organ regeneration; ceramics for prosthetics; hybrid nanocomposite materials for the regeneration of multifunctional anatomical regions; systems for drug delivery; biomorphic transformations; bone cements; antibacterial applications

13. Ceramic and composite materials for energy and the environment

  • Process design and optimization for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and solid oxide electrolyzer cells (SOECs)
  • High-temperature materials and membranes for carbon capture and gas separation (O2, CO2 and H2)
  • Piezoelectric and multiferroic systems for energy storage and sensing
  • Ultra-refractory solar absorbers for CSP plants.

14. High-tech, industrial, and structural functional ceramics

  • Structures, films, and surfaces with functional properties: controlled multiscale porosity, superhydrophobicity, anti-freezing, anti-fouling, antibacterial, self-cleaning, photo-catalytic, etc.
  • Nanosecurity: nanostructures for security and biocatalytic.
  • Design, synthesis and characterization of structural ceramics (powders, monoliths, composites, fiber-reinforced, ...) for mechanical applications (anti-wear, cutting tools, ballistic protection), ultra-high temperature and extreme environment applications (thermal protection systems, anti-corrosion and ablation-resistant ceramics).
  • Transparent ceramics for solid-state lasers, windows for spectroscopy and IR sensors, transparent armor technology
  • Geopolymer and chemically bonded ceramics such as filters, catalytic media, heat exchangers, insulating panels, and for waste valorization
  • Ceramic pigments and digital decoration
  • Technological process and technical process, raw materials and waste recycling
  • Archeometry, diagnostics and conservation: innovative materials and techniques

Course Articulation.

The doctoral program is for three years.

The curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Technology requires the acquisition of 180 CFU in total - 60 CFU per year - which include research and scientific and complementary training activities as specified below:

  1. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities;
  2. Scientific training activities (participation in conferences, workshops, internships, seminars, summer schools, etc. offered by the doctoral program and/or attended in other Italian and foreign locations; study trips abroad; seminars on how to participate in funding calls for research projects (ERC, SIR, PRIN, Horizon 2020); publications;
  3. Teaching activities (supplementary teaching carried out by the doctoral student in courses at the University of Parma, tutoring, tutorials, for a max. of 20 hours annually);
  4. Research (thesis work).

The ECTS/ORE correspondence for educational and scientific activities is shown in the table below:


Educational ActivitiesECTS 
PhDoctoral-specific teaching18
Interdisciplinary training (language skills, computer science, scientific communication, intellectual property, project writing, etc.)1As defined by the doctoral school delivering the course
Teaching borrowed from master's degree programs1As defined by the relevant degree program

During the three-year period, at least 20 ECTS credits must be earned in educational activities, of which:

  • at least 10 in interdisciplinary educational activities subdivided as follows: a minimum of 3 ECTS for attendance in "Interdisciplinary Training"training in soft skills, and 7 ECTS for attendance in Schoolsand/orTeaching borrowed from undergraduate courses;
  • at least 10 in disciplinary training activities.

OFFERTA FORMATIVA - 40th CYCLE (activated starting from a.y. 2024/25)

Doctoral students must achieve during the three-year period a minimum of 20 CFUs of didactic type, divided into at least 10 CFUs in disciplinary training activities of seat (Table A), at least 3 CFUs in transversal training activities (Table B), in addition to scientific training activities of seminar or conference type, or teaching activities acquired off-site (scientific schools). Acquisition of type A and B CFUs requires passing an aptitude test attested by the lecturer; the remaining activities require a certificate of attendance issued by the organizers or thesis advisor. Type A CFUs can also be acquired through disciplinary courses activated at related doctorates within the University or through specific instrumental training at the CIM, subject to the approval of the Coordinator.

The syllabi of the courses listed in Table A can be found on the doctoral program's Elly page, where one can register for attendance. For information on actual dates of attendance, contact the faculty.

Disciplinary Training Activities - Tabella A

Transversal Training Activities - Tabella B

After admission to the course, each student/ssa is assigned a tutor (and co-tutor, if any) by October by the faculty, who will serve as a research supervisor.

The student/ssa discusses at the beginning of the year with the tutor the annual plan of educational activity, and thus the balance of scientific, teaching and research activity appropriate for the conduct of the thesis in the current year.

At the end of the year, the student submits for the tutor's approval the annual summary sheet of the activities carried out, including an analytical list of these activities, certification of the eligibility achieved, and a summary on the research activity carried out (methodology, objectives, results obtained, etc.). The tutor verifies the consistency of the annual activity carried out with the overall three-year plan of educational, training and research activities. The student/ssa then submits to the doctoral coordinator the consumptive form signed by the tutor.

Acquired the annual consumptive form, the faculty college carries out, at the end of each year, a verification test, at which the student/ssa submits a report on the activity carried out. The college's judgment of suitability is binding for admission to the following year.

Judging the student's annual report as suitable, the faculty college orders the recognition of CFUs to the annual activity performed and forwards it to the doctoral office.

The Coordinator urges all Supervisors responsible for teaching and research activities in laboratories to verify the validity of the health and safety training certificates for PhD students. In this regard, please note that Module 1 does not have an expiration date as it constitutes permanent training.

PhD students who graduated from the University of Parma and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia should follow the courses on the page

  • "Module 2: Specific Training for Low Risk", as it includes updates on the organization of safety at UniPR
  • "Health and Safety: PhD Students in Chemistry Laboratories" module.

PhD students who graduated from other Italian universities should follow the courses on the page

  • "Module 1: General Training"
  • "Module 2: Specific Training for Low Risk"
  • "Courses for Specific Activities or Tasks", that is:
    • "Module 3: Specific Training – Medium Risk",
    • and, if applicable, Modules 3.1 and 3.2, aimed respectively at those working with radioactive isotopes and those working in laboratories where chemical agents that can form peroxides are used, even occasionally.
  • "Health and Safety: PhD Students in Chemistry Laboratories" module.

Foreign PhD students should refer to the "Safety Courses in ENGLISH" section on the page

  • "1 - Safety of Hazardous Substances in the Chemical Laboratory and Associated Risks" course,
  • and, if applicable, the courses:
    • "2 - Safety in Biological Laboratories",
    • and "3 - Safety in Laboratories with Physical Hazards", aimed at those working with biological and physical agents.

Health and safety training for all PhD students must be supplemented by additional in-person training to be conducted in the laboratory, under the responsibility of the Supervisor for Teaching and Research Activities in Laboratories. This will also serve as a useful element for updating (draft register at the link

Further information can be found on the University's portal on the Health and Safety Training page, particularly in the "Postgraduate Training" section.

The doctoral program encourages international mobility and study abroad during the three-year period. The amount of the scholarship is increased for any stay abroad for research activities to the extent of 50% for a total period not exceeding 18 months.

The PhD courses website of the University of Parma, and in particular the Rules of Doctoral Courses of the University of Parma, contain detailed information on how to access international mobility (including the facsimile of letter of intent and the authorization form, which must be signed by the Director of the SCVSA Department and the Coordinator).
It is possible to follow the Doctoral Course in co-tutela with a foreign University upon agreement with the tutor and the coordinator and drafting of an agreement between the two Universities. The co-tutorship can be activated, subject to the approval of the Teachers' Board, in favor of students/ae enrolled in the first or second year of the course, in order to allow the research program to be carried out at both contracting locations.
Any scientific activity carried out abroad in international mobility is calculated up to a maximum of 5 CFUs per month among the "scientific training activities," and is supplementary to the training activity carried out at the University of Parma.

From the second year of the course, the student has a budget for research activities (participation in conferences/seminars in Italy and abroad, mobility for research in archives, etc.) in an amount not less than 10% of the amount of the scholarship itself.


Available places are limited. In order to apply for the Doctoral Program, candidates must take part in a competition based on qualifications and examinations, and apply in the manner specified in the announcement


The course and fellowships have a three-year duration. At the beginning of the course, doctoral students are assigned a mentor who takes care of their training from the educational point of view and scientific research activity.
The training program provides for doctoral students:

  1. research activities within one of the Department's research groups on specific topics indicated in the call for admission to the Doctoral Cycle;
  2. periods of internships at external research groups, in Italy or abroad;
  3. specific advanced and interdisciplinary training with:
    • courses of lectures and seminars within specially prepared educational-training paths,
    • national and international schools on topics relevant to the research themes;
  4. the possibility of research results being the subject of publication in qualified journals or patents;
  5. the possibility of being involved in educational support activities and in science dissemination and orientation activities.

Facilities to Support Doctoral Students' Activities

Doctoral students, as part of their activities, can access the following qualified operational and scientific facilities to ensure conduct of study and research activities


U.O. Postgraduate Training - PhDs

P.le San Francesco 3, 43121 Parma


Tel: 0521 034214

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