The discovery of graphene, the first two-dimensional carbon-based nanomaterial
with exceptional mechanical, electronic and thermal properties, has stimulated
intense scientific research. Laser Induced Graphene (LIG) is a new three-dimensional
form of graphene that can be produced on a large scale and at low cost by laser
writing of appropriate precursors. This has opened up new academic and industrial
applications in the fields of energy and sensors.
From an industrial point of view, the candidate will study some applications of LIG
developed within X_LAV Srl, a partner company of the Carbonhub Srl spinoff of the
University of Parma. In particular, the production process for the realisation of new
sensors for infrastructural remote sensing, innovative thermal radiant panels, and
new-generation battery electrodes, all made using LIG technology, will be studied.
The study, which is interdisciplinary in nature, aligns perfectly with the PNRR's
ecological transition and will benefit from important international collaborations.

Docente di riferimento
Daniele Pontiroli

1) M. Sidoli, G. Magnani, L. Fornasini, S. Scaravonati, A. Morenghi, V. Vezzoni, D.
Bersani, G. Bertoni, M. Gaboardi, M. Riccò, D. Pontiroli, “Defective graphene
decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles as negative electrodes in Li-ion batteries”, Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, 958, 170420 (2023)
2) A. Morenghi, S. Scaravonati, G. Magnani, M. Sidoli, L. Aversa, R. Verucchi, G.
Bertoni, M. Riccò, D. Pontiroli, “Asymmetric supercapacitors based on nickel
decorated graphene and porous graphene electrodes”, Electrochimica Acta 424,
140626 (2022)

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