Luogo: Aula Newton - Plesso FisicoRelatore: Bruno Giacomazzo - Università di TrentoE-mail orgnizzatore: roberto.depietri@fis.unipr.itAbstract:In this talk I will present results of fully generalrelativistic simulations of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers anddiscuss their connection with current and future astrophysicalobservations. BNSs are one of the most promising sources ofgravitational waves (GWs) that we expect to detect in the next fewyears with advanced LIGO and Virgo. But they may also emit powerfulelectromagnetic signals and they are expected to be behind the enginepowering short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs). During the first part of thetalk I will discuss the role of BNS merger simulations in predictingthe gravitational wave signal emitted during the merger and itsconnection with the equation of state of NS matter. In the second partI will instead discuss in detail the possible connection between thecentral engine of SGRBs and the merger of magnetized neutron stars,both in the case in which a black hole is promptly formed after mergerand in the case of the formation of a magnetar.