Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Codello

Note sul Relatore: Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen - China

Martedi’ 15 ottobre ore 16.30 Plesso di Matematica,  Aula Riunioni 
Mercoledi’ 16 ottobre ore 16.30 Plesso di Matematica,  Aula Riunioni
Giovedi’ 17 ottobre 14.30 Plesso di Matematica,  Aula D
Martedi’ 22 ottobre ore 16.30 Plesso di Matematica,  Aula Riunioni 
Giovedi’ 24 ottobre ore 16.30 Plesso di Matematica,  Aula Riunioni
E-mail organizzatore:

This short series of lectures introduces Functional Renormalization Group methods, both perturbative and non-perturbative, and applies them to the study of Universality Classes of Critical Phenomena in arbitrary dimension.
The course will also show (with explicit computations) the power and simplifications that the “functional constraint” offers in performing a wide array of Quantum Field Theory computations and is thus recommend to Master and PhD students in Theoretical Physics.
  1. Introduction: Universality and Renormalization Group methods
  2. Functional Perturbative RG: Universality in the epsilon-expansion 
  3. Functional Non-Perturbative RG: Wetterich Equation and Scaling Solutions
  4. Multi-component world: towards a classification of Universality Classes in arbitrary dimension
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