Conferences 2022

A. Parisini, A. Bosio, C. Borelli, M. Pavesi, A. Baraldi, P. Mazzolini, M. Bosi, L. Seravalli, S. Vantaggio and R. Fornari, High-performance UV-C photodetectors based on orthorhombic κ-Ga2O3 epilayers: electronic properties and photo-gain   mechanisms, (Oral contribution) - European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Fall meeting 2022, 18-23 September, Warsaw, Poland.

”Charge Delocalization Promoted by Structural Order Fosters Efficient Charge Separation at Molecular Heterojunctions”, ePoster, MRS Fall meeting in Boston, USA, 2022.

Conferences 2021

C. Borelli, A. Baraldi, M. Bosi, A. Bosio, V. Montedoro, A. Parisini, M. Pavesi, L. Seravalli, S. Vantaggio, A. Torres, S. Dadgostar, J. Jimenez and R. Fornari, High Quality e-Ga2O3 Thin Films for UV Solar-Blind Detection, Compound Semiconductor Week, May 9-13, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden.

P. Mazzolini, AIC 2021 (Parma, Italy, September 6-8, 2021) - XLIX Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association. Oral contribution (O2): "Ga2O3 polymorphs: tailoring the epitaxial growth conditions".

Conferences 2020

C. Borelli, A. Baraldi, M. Bosi, A. Bosio, V. Montedoro, A. Parisini, M. Pavesi, L. Seravalli, S. Vantaggio and R. Fornari, Reliability of UV solar-blind photodetectors based on e-Ga 2O3, ICOP 2020, Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics, September 8-11, 2020, Parma, Italy.

”Reduced Non-Radiative Losses via Charge Selectivity Enhancement by Using a Fullerenic Anodic Interlayer in Organic Photovoltaics”, Poster, MRS Fall meeting in Boston, USA, 2020.

”Enhanced Charge Selectivity via Anodic-C60 Layer Reduces Non-Radiative Losses in Organic Solar Cells”, ePoster, HOPV a Londra, UK, 2020.

Conferences and Seminars 2019

R. Fornari, A. Bosio, M. Bosi, A. Parisini, Z. Zolnai, A. Lamperti, V. Montedoro, C. Borelli, M. Pavesi, Silicon And Tin Doping of ε-Ga2O3 Epilayers by MOVPE, Int. Conf. on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICGE-19), July 20-August 2, 2019, Keystone, Colorado, USA.

C. Borelli, A. Bosio, A. Parisini, M. Pavesi, M. Bosi, V. Montedoro, S. Vantaggio and R. Fornari, Sn doping of ε-Ga2O3 thin films by radio frequency sputtering technique and diffusion, International School and Workshop GRAFOX, June 3-9, 2019, Loveno di Menaggio, Italy.

V. Montedoro, A. Parisini, A. Torres, J. Jimenenz, M. Bosi, A. Bosio, M. Pavesi, A. Baraldi, C. Borelli and R. Fornari, Cathodoluminescence of undoped and n-type doped ε-Ga2O3 films, International School and Workshop GRAFOX, June 3-9, 2019, Loveno di Menaggio, Italy.

P.Mazzolini, GraFOx (Growth and fundamentals of oxides for electronic applications) - Summer School on Oxide Semiconductors for Smart Electronic Devices 2019 (Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio- CO, Italy); oral contribution (T12): “Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Ga2O3 Thin Films via Molecular Beam Epitaxy”.

P. Mazzolini, Invited seminar at Cornell University ACCESS center, Prof. Debdeep Jena (Ithaka, New York, USA –9/08/2019). Seminar title: “Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Ga2O3 Thin Films via Molecular Beam Epitaxy”.

P. Mazzolini, IWGO 2019 – 3rd International Workshop on Gallium Oxide and Related Materials (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, August 12-15, 2019); oral contribution (EPI 4.5): “Substrate-Orientation Dependence of In-Mediated Metal-Exchange Catalysis During β-Ga2O3 Homoepitaxy by MBE”.

P. Mazzolini, TCO 2019 – Transparent Conductive Oxides - Fundamentals and Applications (Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, September 23-27, 2019); oral contribution:“Control over In-incorporation for monoclinic (InxGa1-x)2O3 alloys on β-Ga2O3 substrates via molecular beam epitaxy”.

P. Mazzolini, DEMBE 2019 – German MBE Workshop (University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, October 7-8 / 2019); oral contribution: “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of (010) β-Ga2O3 Homoepitaxial Thin Films”.

P. Mazzolini, Invited seminar at The Micro- and Nanostructured Materials Lab (NanoLab) at the Department of Energy of Politecnico di Milano (29th November 2019): Title of the talk: "Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial Ga2O3 Thin Films via Molecular Beam Epitaxy".

Conferences 2018

T. M. Razykov, A. Bosio, B. Ergashev, K. M. Kouchkarov, A. A. Mavlonov, A. Romeo, E. Artegiani, N. Romeo, R. Yuldoshov (2018). GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION OF (ZnSe)0.1(SnSe)0.9 FILMS FOR USE IN THIN FILM SOLAR CELLS. In: Proceedings of 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. p. 169-171, Munich:WIP Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs KG, ISBN: 3-936338-50-7, Brussels, Sept 24 - Sept 27, 2018, doi: 10.4229/35thEUPVSEC20182018-1CV.4.43.

A. Bosio, A. Parisini, M. Pavesi, G. Garulli, Gorreri, V. Montedoro, A. Baraldi, M. Bosi, F. Mezzadri, G.   Calestaniand   R.   Fornari. “Thin   Films   of ε-Ga2O3 polymorph:   doping, properties   and applications”, 6thEuropean Conference on Crystal Growth,16-20 September, 2018, Riviera Holiday Club, Varna, Bulgaria.

V. Montedoro, A. Parisini, A. Bosio, M. Bosi, A. Gorreri, F. Mezzadri G. Garulli, S. Vantaggio, E. Gombia, M.  Pavesi, A.  Baraldi and R. Fornari, Growths and characterizations of n-type ε-Ga2O3 doped films, Materials-2018, October 22-26, 2018, Bologna, Italy.

A. Bosio, A. Parisini, M. Pavesi, M. Bosi, V. Montedoro, A. Gorreri, G. Garulli, S. Vantaggio and R. Fornari, Low Resistance ohmic contacts on n-type Sn-doped ε-Ga2O3 thin films, Materials-2018, October 22-26, 2018.

P. Mazzolini, DPG 2018 - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft spring meeting (Berlin, Germany, March 11-16, 2018); oral contribution (Focused session "Oxide Semiconductors for Novel Devices"): “Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Ga2O3 Homoepitaxial (010) Thin Films”.

 P. Mazzolini, CSW 2018 - Compound Semiconductor Week (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, May 29th – June 1st, 2018); oral contribution (Fr3F2): “Faceting and Catalysis during Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Ga2O3 (010) Homoepitaxial Thin Films”.

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