Giovedì 16 giugno alle ore 16:30 presso la Sala Riunioni e Seminari del Plesso di Matematica e Informatica, il prof. Heiko Gimperlein del Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck Austria, terrà un seminario dal titolo: 

Fractional diffusion: Modelling, analysis, numerical approximation

ABSTRAC: Diffusion processes beyond Brownian motion have recently attrac-ted significant interest from different communities in mathematics, the physi-cal and biological sciences. They are described by partial differential equations involving nonlocal operators with singular non-integrable kernels, such as fractional Laplacians. This talk discusses a new approach to the analysis of these equations and the resulting quasi-optimal finite element methods for their numerical approximation. Applications are mentioned to the design of swarm robotic systems and the chemotactic movement of T-cells.

Organizzatrice: prof.ssa Alessandra Aimi

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