Speaker: dott.ssa Letizia Temperini, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Titolo: Nonlinear subelliptic problems with critical terms

Quando: Martedì 19 luglio 2022, ore 15:00 

Aula: Sala delle riunioni, Plesso di Matematica e Informatica


Motivated by important applications to geometric control theory and PDEs, recently great attention has been devoted to the study of geometric inequalities in the context of stratified Lie groups.

In the first part of the talk we will discuss some classical results and open problems related to the Sobolev type inequalities in the Heisenberg group, first established by Folland and Stein in this type of generality. In the second part, we will see some applications of these inequalities to the study of a class of critical nonlinear problems.

In particular, we will present some existence results for nonlinear problems involving subelliptic operators and critical nonlinearities in the Heinsenberg group.


N.B. La prima parte del seminario sarà introduttiva, adatta anche a pubblico non esperto. Studenti e ricercatori di ogni età sono invitati a partecipare.

Organizzatori: Proff. Alessandra Lunardi e Giampiero Palatucci

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