The Theory Group of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences of the University of Parma offers a post-doctoral positions in Theoretical Cosmology, funded by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) for 2 years (1+1). Details on the position and guidelines for applications can be found here. The deadline for submitting the application through the INFN website is November 11th, 2022.

Eligible candidates may be:
• Non-Italian citizens, or
• Italian citizens who, at the submission deadline, hold a position in a foreign institution and have been continuously abroad for at least three years.

The Cosmology and Astroparticle group in Parma is composed by Guido D'Amico, Massimo Pietroni and Lorenzo Piga (PhD student). Our current activities cover various aspects of Large Scale Structure theory, including perturbative approaches, data analysis, and forecasts for future surveys. We are members of the Euclid consortium, where we participate to various activities of the Theory and Galaxy Clustering working groups. Other topics of interests are Inflation, Dark Mattter and Dark Energy, and more generally cosmological aspects of Physics Beyond the Standard Model. For recent publications from our group, see here and here.

Other activities of our Theory group in Parma comprise Field and String Theory, Complex Systems, Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves and group members include Marisa Bonini, Raffaella Burioni, Roberto De Pietri, Francesco Di Renzo, Luca Griguolo, and Sandro Wimberger.

For any further information, contact:,


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