Advancements in science and technology strongly depend on availability of new functional materials. We are pleased to announce the 18th International Summer School on Crystal Growth that will take place in Parma (Italy), 24-28 July 2023, University Campus of Science and Technologies.

Co-chairmen: Roberto Fornari, University of Parma and Edmondo Gilioli, IMEM-CNR.

ISSCG-18 programme will include lectures on theoretical and experimental aspects of the growth and characterization of different types of crystalline materials, thin films and nanocrystals. Leading international experts will give lectures on:

Fundamentals of Crystal Growth

  • Thermodynamic aspects
  • Kinetic aspects
  • Modelling and simulation of growth processes
  • Tailoring/elimination of crystallographic defects

Crystal Growth Technology 

  • Growth of bulk crystals and thin films
  • Nanocrystals
  • Biocrystallization

Case studies

  • Curiosity-driven and technologically-important crystal growth experiments

As per tradition, the School will be followed by the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy.

See ICCGE-20 for details.

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