Giovedì 13 aprile alle ore 14 presso la sala riunioni del Plesso di Matematica, il ricercatore del nostro dipartimento dott. Carlo Meneghelli, terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Solving Quantum Field Theory with Symmetry.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare, al termine del seminario verrà offerto un piccolo rinfresco in Common Room.

Gli organizzatori: Davide AddonaPaolo BaroniNicoletta Tardini.


Quantum field theory (QFT) is a universal framework for theoretical physics that describes a variety of phenomena ranging from particle physics to condensed matter systems. In this talk I will describe an important family of QFTs known as conformal field theories (CFTs) and outline their axiomatic formulation. I will further specialize to CFTs which are supersymmetric and discuss some of the extra structures which are present in this case. This includes connections with vertex operator algebras and integrable models. 

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