Data e ora: Venerdì 1 dicembe 2023 ore 12.30

Dove: Aula A, Plesso di Matematica

Titolo: The Synergy of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and Sensor Technology in Human Activity Recognition (HAR) for Personalized Healthcare

Relatore:  Florenc Demrozi, Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Stavanger, Norway

Short Abstract:  The integration of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and sensor technology has opened up new horizons in the field of personalized healthcare.

This talk explores the synergy between AIoT and sensor technology in the context of Human Activity Recognition (HAR) for personalized healthcare applications.
HAR involves the identification and analysis of human activities to gain insights into an individual's health status, well-being, and overall lifestyle.
By leveraging AIoT and sensor technology, HAR can be enhanced to provide more accurate, real-time, and personalized healthcare solutions.

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