È indetta una selezione, mediante procedura comparativa, per il conferimento di n.1 Borsa di Ricerca

Titolo del Progetto di ricerca: Investigation of electrical properties of Ga2O3-based diodes

Tematiche del Progetto di ricerca: The team “Semiconductors” is strongly involved in research on wide-bandgap semiconductors for power electronics and UV detection. In the last years, this activity was focused on the ultra-wide bandgap material Ga2O3, epitaxially grown in cooperation with IMEM-CNR and studied al Dept. SMFI by a variety of techniques. In the last two years, a laboratory fabrication of test devices (Schottky and p/n hetero-junctions) was initiated with the aim of investigating material properties and applicability of such devices. With this six-month grant a wider knowledge of material and device characteristics will be achieved.

Responsabile scientifico del Progetto: Prof. Roberto Fornari - E-Mail: roberto.fornari1@unipr.it

I colloqui si svolgeranno il giorno 13/12/2024 alle ore 09:30 in videoconferenza via MS-Teams. Il  link alla riunione verrà comunicato ai candidati.   

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