This project will deal with new applications of field theoretical methods, aiming at an
interdisciplinary landscape of applications, ranging from quantum field theory to
complex systems, from cosmology and gravitational waves to high energy physics and
quantum gravity. Emphasis will be given to adapt and implement to some of the
above mentioned fields, approaches developed for other problems, such as
renormalization group and resummations, effective field theories and symmetrybased
bootstrap methods, large N limits and holography. Numerical methods, such
as lattice field theory, Montecarlo and machine learning algorithms will also be part
of the explored tools.
All candidates with a strong background in quantum field theory and statistical
mechanics are encouraged to apply.

Docenti di riferimento
Guido D’Amico

Luca Griguolo

Snowmass Theory Frontier: Effective Field Theory
Matthew Baumgart, Fady Bishara, Tomas Brauner, Joachim Brod, Giovanni Cabass et
al. e-Print: 2210.03199 [hep-ph]
Snowmass White Paper: Quantum Aspects of Black Holes and the
Emergence of Spacetime
Raphael Bousso (UC, Berkeley), Xi Dong (UC, Santa Barbara), Netta
Engelhardt (MIT), Thomas Faulkner (Illinois U., Urbana), Thomas
Hartman (Cornell U.) et al.
e-Print: 2201.03096 [hep-th]

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