Quantum field theory is a universal framework for theoretical physics that
successfully describes a variety of physical phenomena ranging from particle
physics to condensed matter systems. Despite enormous progress many
challenging problems remain unsolved in particular in the so-called strongly
coupled regime/
It is useful to consider quantum field theories with a large amount of spacetime
symmetries. The natural choice is super-conformal theories for which
conformal symmetry combines with supersymmetry in a larger structure. In
this case we have a vast number of powerful tools to study, and in a certain
sense to solve, these theories.
The goal of the proposed research is to develop and apply these methods in
the case of N=4 super-Yang-Mills. In particular to combine the constraints
from electro-magnetic duality with the consistency conditions of the conformal
Docente di riferimento
Prof. Carlo Meneghelli carlo.meneghelli@unipr.it

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