Relatore: Andrea TomadinLuogo: Aula NewtonE-mail organizzatore: raffaella.burioni@fis.unipr.itAbstract:Graphene, a two-dimensional honeycomb crystal of carbon atoms, has beenthe object of an astounding research effort since its electronicproperties were first measured in the mid 2000s. The peculiarity ofgraphene being a transparent conductor drew attention to its photonic andoptoelectronic properties and graphene was proposed as a material fortouchscreens and similar devices. Graphene fundamental plasmonicproperties were studied early on. However, since graphene plasmonspropagation and tunability were demonstrated experimentally, research tomake graphene a convenient plasmonic platform has become a very activefield. Better fabrication procedures and measurement devices will soonallow to access quantum plasmonic effects in graphene. Moreover,angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probespectroscopy of graphene have allowed to measure effects ofelectron-electron interactions in graphene, both in the equilibrium and inthe nonequilibrium regime. In this talk, I will present the basic grapheneproperties and the theoretical description of low-energy electron physicsin graphene. I will focus on some recent results regarding (i) theplasmonic spectrum of graphene deposited on hexagonal boron nitride; (ii)usage of plasma waves in graphene devices for photodetection purposes; andelectron dynamics following ultrafast optical perturbations.