Tipo di evento:  Conferenza

Giorno Mese Anno    21-22-23 giugno 2023    Orario:   9.00

Titolo: III Conference of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics -SIFS


The third Conference of the Italian Society of Statistical Physics, i.e. the XXVII National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, will be held from June 21st to June 23rd 2023 on site in Parma, at Aula Magna - Palazzo Centrale, Via Università 12. A special session will be dedicated to Riccardo Zecchina on June 22nd.

The Conference will be dedicated to the main topics of interest in Statistical Physics:

  • Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics
  • Disordered systems and complex systems
  • Phase transitions and statistical physics of quantum systems
  • Statistical physics of soft, active and biological matter
  • Machine Learning: theory and applications to Data Science
  • Statistical physics of Networks
  • Interdisciplinary applications of statistical physics.

Luogo: Aula Magna - Palazzo Centrale

Sito web:  https://www.fisicastatistica.unipr.it/conf/PARMA2023/welcome_E.php

Referente per il Dipartimento: Prof.ssa Raffaella Burioni, E-mail: raffaella.burioni@unipr.it


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