Prof. Carlos Viviescas terrà due lezioni sulla Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of microscopic systems
19 novembre 2019 14:30-16:30
20 novembre 2019 16:30-18:00
Luogo: Aula Rutherford
Relatore: Prof. Prof. Carlos Viviescas- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
E-mail di riferimento:
Part 1. Fluctuation theorems and entropy production
A basic introduction to non-equilibrium thermodynamics of physical systems is presented, together with the
fundamental concepts and ideas necessary for the understanding of the production of entropy and the
formulation of classical fluctuation theorems. In the last part, basic elements of quantum mechanics necessary
for a formulation of equivalent quantum fluctuation theorems are offered.
Part 2. Continuously measured open quantum systems
The basics ideas behind the dynamics of quantum systems weakly coupled to an environment are introduced,
and a description of the system’s Markovian evolution is offered. Emphasis is then put to systems for which
the environment is coupled to detectors that are continuously monitored, in order to introduce an intuitive
formulation of quantum trajectories for the system.
Part 3. Work, heat, and weak measurements
We use the quantum trajectory formalism to construct a framework for the study of the non-equilibrium
thermodynamics of weakly measured quantum systems, showing how to recover quantum fluctuation
theorems. In this framework, we conclude by showing how the concepts of work and heat can be related with
the ways the weak measurements are performed.