I Colloquia AIMagn sono organizzati dall'Associazione Italiana di Magnetismo.
Luogo: Aula Maxwell Plesso Fisico
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Oliver Gutfleisch -Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
La partecipazione è gratuita. AIMagn rilascerà un Attestato di Partecipazione a ciascun partecipante.
The third event of the series AIMagn Colloquia will focus on Magnetic Materials for Energy and will be held on May 26th, 2022, starting from 14.30, at the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, Physics building (Maxwell room). The AIMagn Colloquia are organized by the Italian Magnetism Association.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Oliver Gutfleisch -Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
Click here to download the flyer.
The participation is free of charge. AIMagn will release a Certificate of Attendance to each participant.
To facilitate the organization of the event, PLEASE REGISTER by May 23rd at the link: https://forms.gle/Aw2u3Zy2DK7xCVsN9
Further information on the AIMagn Colloquia can be found at: http://www.aimagn.org/conferenze/aimagn-colloquia/