Relatore: Luca BindiLuogo: Sala Congressi del Plesso Q02E-mail organizzatore: Abstract: The well ordered world of solid materials was forced to reassess its ruleswhen an icosahedral phase of matter was first discovered in the laboratory[1] and the concept of quasicrystals was introduced to explain it [2].Quasicrystals are solids whose diffraction patterns are composed of Braggpeaks, like periodic crystals, but with symmetries forbidden to crystals.Over the last twenty-five years, more than one hundred examples have beenidentified, but, until now, all have been produced in the laboratory undercontrolled conditions ranging from rapid to moderately slow. The searchfor a naturally-forming quasicrystal began soon after the concept ofquasicrystals was introduced. For many years, the search was informal.However, beginning about a decade ago [3], a systematic search wasdeveloped that led to the discovery this past year of a natural candidateembedded in a rock found in the Koryak Mountains, northern Kamchatka [4].It should be noted that, when the concept of quasicrystals was firstintroduced, there was considerable skepticism [5] whether complexquasiperiodic structures could ever form, even under ideal laboratoryconditions. Indeed, the first icosahedral phase, i-Al6Mn, reported byShechtman et al. [1] exhibited so much disorder that its identification asa quasicrystal was challenged and alternative structural models wereproposed [5]. At the time, all known examples of icosahedral alloys weremetastable, only obtainable by rapid quenching. Then, highly perfect andmore stable quasicrystals, such as i-AlCuFe began to be discovered,showing that quasicrystals can be formed under highly controlledlaboratory conditions. Nevertheless, one could not be sure of theirlong-term stability [6] because they could not be kept in equilibrium atlow temperatures or annealed over eons. An interesting test would havebeen to see if Nature beat us to the punch. If quasicrystals are on thesame footing as crystals, then it would be conceivable that quasicrystalsformed under natural conditions and simply have not been noticed untilnow. The search to answer this question took more than a dozen years andhas resulted in one of the strangest scientific stories you are everlikely to hear. [1] Shechtman D., Blech I., Gratias D., Cahn J.W., Phys. Rev. Lett. 1984,53, 1951. [2] Levine D., Steinhardt P.J., Phys. Rev. Lett. 1984, 53, 2477.[3] Lu P.J., Deffeyes K., Steinhardt P.J., Yao N., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2001,87, 275507. [4] Bindi L., Steinhardt P.J., Yao N., Lu P.J., Science 2009,324, 1306. [5] Pauling L., Nature 1985, 317, 512. [6] Bancel P.A.,Quasicrystals: The State of the Art, ed. By DiVincenzo D. and SteinhardtP.J., 1991, 17.