Luogo: 11.00 - 13.00 Aula Rutherford 15.30 - 17.30 Aula GalileiRelatore: Prof. Benjamin Basso - Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Ecole Normale Superieure, ParisIndirizzo e-mail organizzatore: bonini@fis.unipr.itAbstract:In these lectures I will give an introduction to the scatteringamplitudes / light-like polygonal Wilson loops duality in planar N = 4 SYMtheory and explain how the integrability of the flux tube underlying theWilson loop picture can be used to determine the amplitudes at any value ofthe 't Hooft coupling constant. A tentative plan for the lectures is :1) Scattering amplitudes / Wilson loops duality2) Flux tube and OPE3) Pentagon decomposition and its integrable bootstrap4) Features of the weak and strong coupling dynamics.