
Theoretical tools for accurate predictions of cosmological structure formation are significantly updated in this decade
in light of recent and future observational programs. I will present two of such attempts that we are making these days.
The first one is based on the idea of "response", which describes how cosmological perturbations at two different physical
scales affect each other. We show how this function computed by perturbative expansion departs from that measured
from numerical simulations. We then present a hybrid scheme, RESPRESSO, which combines perturbative and numerical
estimates of the response to give a sub-percent level accurate prediction of the nonlinear matter power spectrum over
the entire scale of baryon acoustic oscillations.
The later half of the talk is on our simulation campaign called "Dark Quest", which is mainly aimed at providing accurate
theoretical templates for lensing/clustering joint analyses based on HSC survey on Subaru Telescope. This one is for
biased tracers and on somewhat smaller scales. We present a machine-learning based code "Dark Emulator" constructed
out of the simulation database, and discuss its current performance.

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