Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica - XL ciclo - a.a. 2024/2025

scarica il BANDO DI CONCORSO per l'Ammissione al XL Ciclo del Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica 

SCADENZA: entro e non oltre le ore 13,00 (ora locale) del 25 luglio 2024. Entro tale scadenza è previsto il pagamento di un contributo obbligatorio per l'ammissione alla selezione pari a € 30,00 non rimborsabile.



iscriviti al concorso: Iscrizione on-line - GUIDA ALL'ISCRIZIONE
** se sei un nuovo/a studente/studentessa prima registrati sulla piattaforma esse3 (vedi GUIDA) 
    se sei già in possesso di credenziali procedi con l'iscrizione al concorso.

!! ATTENZIONE !! la procedura di iscrizione online sarà disponibile dalle ore 12,00 (ora locale) del 3 luglio 2024.

Composizione COMMISSIONI GIUDICATRICI - nominate con Decreto Rettorale n. ..../2024 - Prot. n. ... del ../../2024 (non ancora disponibili)

Scheda del corso

  1. Fisica 

progetti proposti:

  1. Study of rotational domains in semiconducting Ga2O3 thin films and strategies to prevent them 
  2. Learning Early Universe Physics with Galaxy Survey and Gravitational Wave Data 
  3. Application of artificial intelligence protocols to semiconductor oxides for the development of aroma sensors
  4. Comparing feature learning in deep networks in and out of equilibrium: a statistical physics approach 
  5. Emulsion Dynamics on Earth and in Microgravity
  6. New aspects and applications of field theories
  7. Quantitative aspects of Single Molecule fluorescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy
  8. Reversible-binding aptamers for single-molecule imaging
  9. Characterization and control of molecular qudits for quantum algorithms
  10. Industrial applications of laser-induced graphene
  11. Solving superconformal field theories




General description


The PhD in Physics, with a duration of 3 years, is established as a unifying element of the third-level University education in the Physics` area. Besides their main commitment to the research activity, students are supposed to spend a substantial part of their training period in attending advanced courses as well as national and international schools. Students are encouraged to spend part of their time abroad in order to participate in scientific collaborations in their fields of interest and follow advanced courses in support of their research program. During the three-years, teaching commitments are progressively reduced towards a full time engagement in the research activity. The evaluation of the training program is carried out - at the end of each year - through open seminars held by the students. The independent scientific research is expected to lead to publication of results in international, peer reviewed journals. The ultimate goal of the PhD in physics is a highly specialized scientific training that opens professional carriers in academic institutions and research laboratories, either public or private. More information on the structure of the PhD course can be found at this link.

The PhD in Physics is divided into three areas corresponding to major groups of disciplines of Physical Sciences covered by the research activity of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Theoretical Physics, Biophysics and Applied Physics.

Information on the ongoing Research activity in Physics in our Department can be found in 

PhD in Physics Courses

Courses offered to students enrolled in the Ph.D. in Physics includes

The list of courses can be found below, including interdisciplinary courses.


Request of authorization for attending external courses
If you wish to attend a course other than those offered by the PhD in Physics or the Doctoral School in Science and Technology, please fill in the form below (modulo_autorizzazione corsi esterni, English version soon available) and submit it to the chair of doctoral studies committee before the course starts.

Exam certification
After attending any course, including those offered by the PhD in Physics or the Doctoral School in Science and Technology, please ask the teacher(s) to fill in a report assessing his/her evaluation using the form below (modulo_certificazione_esami, English version soon available).
If you attend a school, please provide at least a certificate of attendance and, if applicable, an assessment by the school organizer(s) reporting an evaluation of your participation.

Submit the document(s) to the chair of doctoral studies committee at the end of the course/school.

 File modulo_autorizzazione_corsi_esterni.docx

File modulo_certificazione_esami.docx

PhD regulations

The PhD Regulations, adopted by the Doctorate Board, set out who is eligible to become a PhD candidate, the duties Candidates have to fulfill, what the tasks of the supervisor are and the criteria that the dissertation has to meet.
Below you can find links to the relevant documents PhD students and supervisors must refer to.
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